Purchased two dressers from an estate sale recently! They are made of wood (the real thing!) and they are very well fabricated but in need of a color makeover.
Turning vintage finds into unique pieces by painting them can be so much fun. Color inpiration can come from a painting, dish or fabric. I've used used three colors for this project. Cherry, Darker Cherry and Slate. Following steps I used below board.
1. Used 150 sandpaper to lightly sand all areas that will be painted. Washed with T.S.P all purpose heavy duty cleaner, diluted in water, to clean the surface area. Rinsed well with water. ( Please use protective gloves for this procedure. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the box.)
2. Painted all over with Behr's latex mat finish including hardware, slate color and (prepare chalk paint) plaster of Paris which I added to the paint, it's easier to distress the finish after. The ratio I used: two tablespoons Plaster of Paris plus two tablespoons of water (same ratio) mix well Add to one cup of paint, mix well again and again.
3. Painted tops and bottoms of dressers with two coats of light cherry, air dried completly. Then dry brushed dark cherry over the light cherry.
4. Creating a charming antique finish is always exciting, chipped away with a small paint scraper and sandpaper letting parts of paint layers peek through. I finished with two coats of a mat latex varnish all over including the hardware.
Join me on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/suzannedufaultdesign where we can exchange ideas and I could answer any questions you may have regarding this post. Thanks for stopping by and hope this will inspire you!!!!! Have a nice day and happy painting! Suzanne
Before, sand and wash
Painted in slate color
and chalk paint recipe (blog)
Painted top and bottom cherry color
Sanded for patina effect, paint layers peak through
Lightly brushed hardware with antique white
Dry brushed top with darker cherry of light cherry
let air dry then sanded over to add aged patina effect
Furniture came with protective glass
There we go...
and hope this will inspire you to decorate your home without breaking the bank!